Support Lisa’s Work with a Donation

Let’s keep the lights on!

Inviting others into the magical world of making music is my CALLING, and my commitment.

Alas, it doesn’t always pay the bills (sigh).

Your contribution is MOST APPRECIATED.

There are three options, below:


* Contribute any amount via PAYPAL, HERE:

(IMPORTANT:  For Paypal donations, please select SENDING TO A FRIEND during checkout, rather than ‘Goods and Services’).


* Or, Contribute any amount via VENMO, HERE: @LisaMcCormick1

* Or, contribute via good old fashioned paper CHECK, at this address:

Lisa McCormick, 128 Washington St., Brattleboro, VT. 05301. USA.


And thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!

In Ukulele Spirit and Love, – Lisa